2018年11月19日 星期一

Book Recommendation

書目封面 (Cover of Book)

書目名稱 (Title of Book) *

作者名稱 (Author of Book) *
Francis Bitter

內容簡介 (Summary of Book) *
This is a book talking about magnets, which is a very fun part in Physics. The book shows me many different experiments and their results. It teaches me knowledge about magnets like only iron and some other metal have magnetic forces. Other metals like aluminium or copper cannot.

推介這書目的原因 (Reason(s) for recommending this book)
It is a very useful book for students where choose to learn Physics. Students could learn the concepts before others and be easier contact with magnetism, which is an important chapter in S6 Physics.

我最喜歡這書的那一部份(My favorite part of the book)
I like the part Magnetism and Electricity, because it teaches me about the basic concepts of magnets.If we break down the copper bar in two parts with electric field, it separates into two opposite charged bars. However, if we break down the iron bar in two parts with magnetic field, it separates into two magnetised bars. This really interesting me.

書目附加資料 (Additional Information of Recommended Book) e.g. YouTube URL, Powerpoint, etc..

2018年11月18日 星期日

15/11 35mm 雙眼相機製作工作坊 @ 2/F Learning Common

於 大人的科學之 35mm 雙眼相機製作工作坊,同學用心依照製作手冊小心拼砌出雙眼相機。當天更喜獲陳星輝老師展出其實物形藏及解說拍攝原理,令同學得益不少。



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