2018年11月5日 星期一

Book Recommendation 
Title of Book:

Persuasion: The Art of Influencing People

Author: James Borg

ISBN : 9780137005079




Summary of the book:

We all know people who are incredibly persuasive. With effortless charm, they manage to somehow gain out trust, interest and support, time and time again. Is it a gift they are born with? Is it all illusion?
No, it’s the art of persuasion and you can learn it too.
Base on years of analysing the behaviours and mind-sets of the most persuasive people around, Persuasion gives you the magic formula to master the power of persuasion – the ultimate way to achieve success in work and life.

I am recemmeding this book because:

It is a very practical ‘self-help’ book as persuading others is very important in our daily life. Having a good skill of persuasion can make others trust you and your ideas. The art of persuasion is crucial
especially when you are giving a talk on stage, having a debate or a discussion with others and writing an argumentative essay.

My favorite part of the book :

My favourite part of the book is about gaining attention from the audience. This book shows the negative impact that interrupts bring to attention of listeners in a communication. It often leads to a very frustrating situation. The book also shows ways to alleviate it. It is very useful because it is always not easy to keep peoples’ attention.

 Additional Information of Recommended book:






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