2018年10月14日 星期日

Book Recommendation 
Title of Book:
THE TASTE of OLD HONG KONG: Recipes and memories from 30 years on the China coast

Author: Fred Schneiter
ISBN : 978-988-16139-0-5


Summary of the book:

Reminiscences and recipes of favorite international dishes from households, fancy restaurants and back lanes which you can enjoy today in Hong Kong, that classy old gal who will forever reign as the Queen of Cuisine for all who knew her when she was the crown jewel of the British Empire.

I am recemmeding this book because:

Is it a cook book ? But it is more like a story book. The author has a very special way of telling stories, taking readers by the hand and making them having the same feeling if they are with him, in the streets of old Hong Kong, discovering lovely hidden places, eating delicious things. Always a little funny anecdote, and by the way, you start to know Charlene, Walter, and other friends, and you feel like you are part of their group! When finally they are going to eat, you feel quite hungry too, and see, there is the recipe! A book to enjoy, story by story, bit by bit, bite by bite. A lovely book to read.

My favorite part of the book :





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