2018年10月15日 星期一

Book Recommendation 
Title of Book:

The Teaching of Buddha

Author: Buddhism



Summary of the book:

This book is talking about some reasons and rules of Buddhism and the life of the Buddha.  This story is talking about a prince for the sake of court life to embrace a religious life, the Savior of the world.  When he was thirty-five, he became a Buddha.  Everyone called him, Shakyamuni.

I am recemmeding this book because:

I am not a Buddha but I like this book.  It is relaxing and make me learn a lot.  It told us Buddha is just as a mother who always loves her children.  Buddha wishes all people should avoid from anger and keep out of greed while the person can have a longer life.  I also wish everyone can do it and so I recommend this book.

My favorite part of the book :

My favorite part of this book is about causation.  The world is full of suffering.  If you can throw away their desire, you can go to heavon to be a Buddha.  If you can't, you will go to hell and get punishment.  We don't know if the result is right or wrong but it makes people become kindness.





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